pumps in a cogeneration station

10 Things You Should Know Before Installing a Cogeneration System

Cogeneration, also known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP), is becoming an increasingly popular solution for properties looking to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact.

However, before jumping into an investment, it’s crucial to understand the key considerations that come with installing a cogeneration system. This blog will guide you through the 10 most important things you need to know before making the decision.

What is a Cogeneration System?

A cogeneration system is a technology that generates both electricity and heat from a single fuel source, such as natural gas. Unlike conventional systems where energy is lost as waste heat, cogeneration captures and reuses this heat, making it far more efficient.

With benefits like lower energy costs, increased reliability, and reduced emissions, cogeneration systems are a smart investment for many facilities.

Key Benefits of Installing a Cogeneration System

The appeal of cogeneration lies in its ability to provide multiple benefits. First and foremost, it offers significant energy savings by maximizing fuel efficiency.

Additionally, it enhances energy security by serving as a reliable backup power source during grid failures.

Finally, by reducing emissions, cogeneration systems contribute to a greener, more sustainable operation, aligning with modern environmental goals.

Factor #1: Understanding Your Energy Needs

Before considering cogeneration, it’s essential to evaluate whether your facility has the right energy profile. Cogeneration systems work best in locations with consistent and substantial demands for both electricity and heat, such as hospitals, hotels, and large residential complexes.

A detailed energy audit is necessary to determine whether cogeneration is a good fit for your specific situation.

Factor #2: The Upfront Costs and Payback Period

Cogeneration systems require a significant initial investment, and understanding the costs is crucial. The upfront expenses include equipment, installation, and possible modifications to existing systems. However, the long-term savings can outweigh these costs.

Typically, the payback period ranges from three to five years, depending on the size of the system and your facility’s energy usage. Proper planning and consultation can help determine if this investment aligns with your financial goals.

Factor #3: Space and Location Requirements

One important logistical factor is where the system will be installed. Cogeneration units can be placed indoors or outdoors, but space and location are key considerations.

Indoor installations require adequate ventilation and noise control, while outdoor setups need weather protection. Proper placement is essential for maximizing efficiency and ensuring smooth operation.

Factor #4: Fuel Source Options

Choosing the right fuel source is critical for optimizing your cogeneration system. Natural gas is the most common option due to its availability and clean-burning properties, but other fuels like biogas, propane, and kerosene can also be used.

The choice depends on what’s accessible and cost-effective for your facility. Evaluate fuel supply options and costs carefully before proceeding.

Factor #5: Maintenance and Operational Requirements

While cogeneration systems are relatively low-maintenance, routine tasks like filter changes, injector cleanings, and compressor servicing are necessary.

These systems generally have long lifespans, with many units lasting 10 years or more with proper care. Understanding maintenance schedules and costs ensures that your system operates smoothly and delivers the expected benefits over time.

Factor #6: Utility Interaction and Regulations

Utility interactions play a significant role in cogeneration installations. Understanding how your system will connect to the grid, potential downtime charges, and local regulations are important steps in the planning process.

In some cases, utilities may require the system to run consistently for a certain number of days each year to qualify for reduced rates. Be sure to consult local guidelines and obtain necessary permits before proceeding.

Factor #7: Potential Rebates and Incentives

Cogeneration systems can be costly, but financial incentives can help offset those expenses. Many federal, state, and local programs offer tax credits, rebates, or grants for energy-efficient projects.

Research available programs like NYSERDA or other energy efficiency initiatives in your area to see if your project qualifies for financial assistance.

Factor #8: Choosing the Right System Size and Configuration

Sizing your cogeneration system correctly is essential for optimizing performance and maximizing savings. A system that is too large or too small won’t deliver the expected efficiency.

Consulting with experts who specialize in CHP can help determine the right size and configuration based on your building’s energy profile and needs.

Factor #9: Backup Power Capabilities

One of the most attractive features of cogeneration systems is their ability to provide backup power during grid outages. By operating independently in emergencies, a cogeneration system can keep essential functions like elevators, water pumps, and lighting operational.

This reliability is a key selling point, especially for facilities where uninterrupted power is critical.

Factor #10: Long-Term Savings and Environmental Impact

Finally, cogeneration systems offer substantial long-term benefits, including reduced energy bills, a smaller carbon footprint, and alignment with sustainability goals.

The high efficiency of these systems means that less fuel is needed to produce the same amount of energy, leading to lower emissions and significant cost savings over time.

As energy costs continue to rise and environmental regulations tighten, cogeneration can be a strategic advantage for your facility.


Installing a cogeneration system is a major investment that can lead to significant energy savings, increased reliability, and a greener footprint. However, it’s important to consider these 10 factors to ensure that a cogeneration system is the right fit for your facility.

Thorough planning, consulting with experts, and understanding your specific needs are key steps to making an informed decision.

Explore Cogeneration Solutions with İltekno

Are you ready to explore how cogeneration can transform your facility’s energy efficiency? At İltekno, established in 1989 in Istanbul, we specialize in providing top-tier energy solutions, including cogeneration, trigeneration, and renewable energy systems.

With over 320 successful projects across 24 countries and a proven track record in delivering high-efficiency power plants, we have the expertise to guide you through every step of the process—from design and procurement to installation and after-sales service.

As a recognized leader in the field, İltekno has achieved an installed capacity of over 2300 MW, and we continue to innovate with new projects like solar power installations. Our commitment to customer satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and technical excellence has made us a preferred partner in the energy industry.

If you’re considering a cogeneration system for your facility, contact us today for a comprehensive assessment. Let’s work together to achieve your energy efficiency, cost-saving, and sustainability goals with a solution tailored specifically to your needs.