The United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative that encourages organizations to take collaborative action to create a sustainable and inclusive global economy that benefits our world, all people, communities and markets.
As İltekno, we are a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative with more than 20,000 signatories in more than 160 countries since 2019.
Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact supports companies worldwide to align their strategies and operations with the 10 Principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption, while providing a principles-based framework, best practices, resources and platforms for companies to develop responsible business practices and fulfill their commitments to society.
The 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact provide a roadmap for the basic responsibilities of the business world: respecting human rights and nature, creating decent and free working conditions, and combating all forms of corruption.
The 10 Principles contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of our organizations, helping us to work comprehensively for the well-being of people and the planet.
The Global Compact 10 Principles are based on the following United Nations declarations.
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact provides guidance for organizations to manage their social, environmental, financial and corporate governance impacts along the value chain in a sustainable manner, while ensuring their market presence and economic performance.
As institutions, it leads us to implement innovative activities to reduce our environmental footprint by taking into account the needs and expectations of stakeholders in order to provide the same quality products and services tomorrow as we do today. While continuing to create value, it emphasizes the efficient use of natural resources and reducing the negative impacts of global warming-induced climate change, loss of biodiversity, drought, food shortages, forced migrations and extreme weather events. Preventing or reducing waste generation, reusing and recycling materials and using biodegradable raw materials with a responsible production and consumption approach by accelerating the transition to a circular economy plays an important role in building a sustainable future. In addition, it is critical that the product or service is produced and delivered in fair, equal, inclusive and decent conditions throughout the value chain.
Corporate sustainability is possible by extending responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption to the entire value chain and implementing these principles in all activities.
As for the concept of sustainability, while there is no single universally accepted definition, it is generally defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
The importance of the UN Global Compact for İltekno is great in terms of shaping our sustainability approaches and guiding our activities. We can summarize this importance and the practices in my activities in the following paragraphs.
We maintain our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact 10 Principles by renewing our commitment with the “Communication On Progress (COP) Reports” we prepare every year. In order to fulfill this commitment, we implement the necessary activities and strive to make continuous improvements.
İltekno carries out its activities in line with the United Nations Global Compact and Ethics Regulation by focusing on people.
Based on the principle of people first and life safety first, the Company meticulously applies occupational health and safety rules in all its activities and takes the necessary precautions. In this context, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is effectively implemented throughout the organization, all activities are audited and certified by the British Standard Institution (BSI).
It is aimed to raise awareness of all employees through on-the-job training and occupational health and safety trainings organized at regular intervals. Risk analysis has been conducted for the activities carried out and necessary measures have been taken. In addition to the actions taken, toolbox talks are held every morning in the workshop with the participation of employees under the leadership of the Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, and daily routine work, non-routine work and potential hazards are reviewed and relevant actions are implemented. Sanctions are imposed on personnel who stop working in unsafe situations and retaliation is never allowed under any circumstances. Personal protective equipment and equipment suitable for the work of each employee is provided by İltekno. All employees benefit from complementary health insurance and can receive fast and detailed health services in case of need.
İltekno prioritizes employee satisfaction as much as it prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction in its activities. Throughout the year, employees' birthdays are celebrated with monthly organizations and cake cutting, and birthday gifts are presented. Thanks to the clubs supported by the company and established by the employees, sports activities are carried out and pleasant time is spent by coming together as a team. With the participation of the senior management of the company, “hello summer” picnic organizations, “welcome new year” organizations and activities that trigger motivation are organized where the whole team is together and has fun together. Every İlteknolu is encouraged to be and stay healthy. For this purpose, free pilates classes are organized two days a week for employees who wish to participate.
The Company encourages the development of all its employees with an equipped employee, equipped organization approach and supports the participation of employees by organizing trainings. Individual training requests are also collected and training is provided.
İltekno also attaches importance to the development of its suppliers with whom it creates value. It organizes and invites trainings to support its suppliers and raise their awareness. By conducting supplier visits and audits, it evaluates the suitability of their current status and determines corrective actions if necessary. We monitor the implementation of the identified corrective actions.
We value diversity and believe that equality wins. We know that plurality of voices and different perspectives support the development of our corporate culture and help us produce creative results. To this end, equal opportunities are provided to people under equal conditions without discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, nationality, language, religion, age, disability, marital status and gender, and regardless of employees' union and political affiliation; an open-door policy is followed based on performance and productivity in remuneration and promotion.
Discrimination in recruitment and employment and all forms of coercive and coercive labor are rejected. All legal requirements regarding working conditions are fulfilled and efforts are made to create working environments befitting human dignity and welfare. We believe in the power of women and are proud of the presence of women employees at all levels in our company. With a diversity and inclusion approach, we strive to create a strong and sustainable work environment by offering equal opportunities to all our employees.
Child labor is strictly forbidden in all our activities and value chain. We believe that children belong in school and we strive to support schools in the countries where we operate. In Conakry, Guinea, as part of a corporate social responsibility project, we distributed school supplies to the students of Hadja Aicha Bah school in collaboration with our local stakeholder, the Electricity Authority of Guinea (Electricite De Guinee), and helped them maintain a successful education life. We also sponsor innovative competitions organized by university student clubs, providing an opportunity for young talents to emerge.
At İltekno, all activities are carried out in accordance with the legal regulations in force in the geographies where we operate, the articles of association, internal regulations and policies established, and national and international standards. While carrying out our activities with high environmental awareness, we determine our environmental impacts from a life cycle perspective. While we take the necessary measures to reduce negative impacts, we strive to increase and maintain our positive impacts. By focusing on protecting our natural environment, we strive to respect people and the environment and to leave a clean and healthy environment for future generations. We aim to use natural resources efficiently, reduce waste and separate it at source, encourage recycling and continuously add positive value to the environment. In this context, we implemented zero waste management in our head office and facilities and received the “Zero Waste Certificate.” In addition, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is integrated into our organization and implemented effectively, activities are audited and certified by the British Standard Institution (BSI).
In order to protect the resources of future generations, we install solar power plants (SPP), bio-fuel power plants and hybrid model power plants to help the sectors we serve meet their energy needs from renewable energy sources. We contribute to energy efficiency with the power plants we install. Thus, we support the conservation of natural energy resources and help our customers reduce their carbon emissions.
We actively use the ethics hotline and ethics committee for possible internal and external situations by fighting against all kinds of bribery and corruption. We prioritize fair competition conditions and confidentiality of information.
Ultimately, we aim to create a healthier and more livable world for both current and future generations by adopting sustainable strategies and environmentally friendly approaches.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
- United Nations Convention against Corruption
- Principle 1: Businesses should uphold and respect proclaimed human rights.
- Principle 2: Businesses should not be complicit in human rights abuses.
- Principle 3: Businesses should support workers' freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- Principle 4: End forced and compulsory labor.
- Principle 5: All forms of child labor should be abolished
- Principle 6: End discrimination in recruitment and placement
- Principle 7: Businesses should support precautionary approaches to environmental challenges
- Principle 8: Support all activities and organizations that promote environmental responsibility.
- Principle 9: Support the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Principle 10: Businesses should fight corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion.
In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact provides guidance for organizations to manage their social, environmental, financial and corporate governance impacts along the value chain in a sustainable manner, while ensuring their market presence and economic performance.
As institutions, it leads us to implement innovative activities to reduce our environmental footprint by taking into account the needs and expectations of stakeholders in order to provide the same quality products and services tomorrow as we do today. While continuing to create value, it emphasizes the efficient use of natural resources and reducing the negative impacts of global warming-induced climate change, loss of biodiversity, drought, food shortages, forced migrations and extreme weather events. Preventing or reducing waste generation, reusing and recycling materials and using biodegradable raw materials with a responsible production and consumption approach by accelerating the transition to a circular economy plays an important role in building a sustainable future. In addition, it is critical that the product or service is produced and delivered in fair, equal, inclusive and decent conditions throughout the value chain.
Corporate sustainability is possible by extending responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption to the entire value chain and implementing these principles in all activities.
As for the concept of sustainability, while there is no single universally accepted definition, it is generally defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
The importance of the UN Global Compact for İltekno is great in terms of shaping our sustainability approaches and guiding our activities. We can summarize this importance and the practices in my activities in the following paragraphs.
We maintain our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact 10 Principles by renewing our commitment with the “Communication On Progress (COP) Reports” we prepare every year. In order to fulfill this commitment, we implement the necessary activities and strive to make continuous improvements.
İltekno carries out its activities in line with the United Nations Global Compact and Ethics Regulation by focusing on people.
Based on the principle of people first and life safety first, the Company meticulously applies occupational health and safety rules in all its activities and takes the necessary precautions. In this context, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is effectively implemented throughout the organization, all activities are audited and certified by the British Standard Institution (BSI).
It is aimed to raise awareness of all employees through on-the-job training and occupational health and safety trainings organized at regular intervals. Risk analysis has been conducted for the activities carried out and necessary measures have been taken. In addition to the actions taken, toolbox talks are held every morning in the workshop with the participation of employees under the leadership of the Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, and daily routine work, non-routine work and potential hazards are reviewed and relevant actions are implemented. Sanctions are imposed on personnel who stop working in unsafe situations and retaliation is never allowed under any circumstances. Personal protective equipment and equipment suitable for the work of each employee is provided by İltekno. All employees benefit from complementary health insurance and can receive fast and detailed health services in case of need.
İltekno prioritizes employee satisfaction as much as it prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction in its activities. Throughout the year, employees' birthdays are celebrated with monthly organizations and cake cutting, and birthday gifts are presented. Thanks to the clubs supported by the company and established by the employees, sports activities are carried out and pleasant time is spent by coming together as a team. With the participation of the senior management of the company, “hello summer” picnic organizations, “welcome new year” organizations and activities that trigger motivation are organized where the whole team is together and has fun together. Every İlteknolu is encouraged to be and stay healthy. For this purpose, free pilates classes are organized two days a week for employees who wish to participate.
The Company encourages the development of all its employees with an equipped employee, equipped organization approach and supports the participation of employees by organizing trainings. Individual training requests are also collected and training is provided.
İltekno also attaches importance to the development of its suppliers with whom it creates value. It organizes and invites trainings to support its suppliers and raise their awareness. By conducting supplier visits and audits, it evaluates the suitability of their current status and determines corrective actions if necessary. We monitor the implementation of the identified corrective actions.
We value diversity and believe that equality wins. We know that plurality of voices and different perspectives support the development of our corporate culture and help us produce creative results. To this end, equal opportunities are provided to people under equal conditions without discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, nationality, language, religion, age, disability, marital status and gender, and regardless of employees' union and political affiliation; an open-door policy is followed based on performance and productivity in remuneration and promotion.
Discrimination in recruitment and employment and all forms of coercive and coercive labor are rejected. All legal requirements regarding working conditions are fulfilled and efforts are made to create working environments befitting human dignity and welfare. We believe in the power of women and are proud of the presence of women employees at all levels in our company. With a diversity and inclusion approach, we strive to create a strong and sustainable work environment by offering equal opportunities to all our employees.
Child labor is strictly forbidden in all our activities and value chain. We believe that children belong in school and we strive to support schools in the countries where we operate. In Conakry, Guinea, as part of a corporate social responsibility project, we distributed school supplies to the students of Hadja Aicha Bah school in collaboration with our local stakeholder, the Electricity Authority of Guinea (Electricite De Guinee), and helped them maintain a successful education life. We also sponsor innovative competitions organized by university student clubs, providing an opportunity for young talents to emerge.
At İltekno, all activities are carried out in accordance with the legal regulations in force in the geographies where we operate, the articles of association, internal regulations and policies established, and national and international standards. While carrying out our activities with high environmental awareness, we determine our environmental impacts from a life cycle perspective. While we take the necessary measures to reduce negative impacts, we strive to increase and maintain our positive impacts. By focusing on protecting our natural environment, we strive to respect people and the environment and to leave a clean and healthy environment for future generations. We aim to use natural resources efficiently, reduce waste and separate it at source, encourage recycling and continuously add positive value to the environment. In this context, we implemented zero waste management in our head office and facilities and received the “Zero Waste Certificate.” In addition, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is integrated into our organization and implemented effectively, activities are audited and certified by the British Standard Institution (BSI).
In order to protect the resources of future generations, we install solar power plants (SPP), bio-fuel power plants and hybrid model power plants to help the sectors we serve meet their energy needs from renewable energy sources. We contribute to energy efficiency with the power plants we install. Thus, we support the conservation of natural energy resources and help our customers reduce their carbon emissions.
We actively use the ethics hotline and ethics committee for possible internal and external situations by fighting against all kinds of bribery and corruption. We prioritize fair competition conditions and confidentiality of information.
Ultimately, we aim to create a healthier and more livable world for both current and future generations by adopting sustainable strategies and environmentally friendly approaches.